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I Enjoyed the Game Though i feel like there should be a few minor problems

 -The Combo lock becomes non-interactable / bugs out if you go into it and then leave it.

 -The Ghost sometimes just teleports if it gets stuck including straight into the player, funny and scary to see it zoom by not so funny when it does a drive-by.

One suggestion when the phone is not being held up/your main view, would be nice for it to still showing the altered view it provides while in your hands (to the side of the screen).

Also Would like to know if there is multiple endings or not i assume it is 2 endings though i only did the escaping one (so no banishing with doll which i assume is possible? and has to do with the clock that sometimes won't let you move the hands.)

I do want to point out that it is a little tedious to redo the book section each time you die. (Though I might feel like it's tedious because of the amount of times i died to a zooming ghost)